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Adding and Calculating Emissions Data in Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)
Adding and Calculating Emissions Data in Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)

Learn how to add and calculate emissions data for each product lifecycle stage in Terrascope's Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) module.

Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will walk through adding data and calculating emissions for each product lifecycle stage.

If you are new to Product Carbon Footprint, make sure you understand the key concepts and are familiar with the Product Lifecycle stages.

Hover over a product and click ‘add data’ to open ‘add data’ tab on your product, which you’ll use to add emissions data across life cycle stages included in your measurement boundaries! At any point, click on ‘save and exit’ to save your progress.

Stage 1: Raw material product and distribution

This stage involves significant energy consumption from the extraction of raw materials, to transportation and processing into products in factories.


  1. Click on Add data row to create a new input.

  2. Enter an origin for each raw material in your product, and a suitable emission factor will be automatically suggested for you. You can change it if needed.

  3. Fill in the rest of the details for each raw material, such as its estimated wastage and loss (in percentages), and its mode of transport to the manufacturing location.

  4. With your transportation and origin filled up, a distance will be automatically generated but it can be edited if you wish.

  5. After adding all the ingredients, click on Estimate Weight to obtain estimates for the ingredients’ relative weights in our product. These estimations can be changed, but they have to add up to your previously-stated total weight value.


  1. Click on Add data row to create a new input.

  2. Choose the packaging material and type from the available options. A suitable emission factor will be suggested for you.

  3. Enter the country of origin and mode of transport.

  4. Distance, weight, and unit of measurement will be automatically calculated by the platform, but you can adjust them as needed.

  5. When you're done, click Calculate Emissions to get the result for this stage.

Stage 2: Product manufacturing

Raw materials you added in the previous stage will appear here. To make changes or add new ingredients or packaging, go back to the previous stage.

  1. For each raw material, choose its processing method and energy source. If you need to include more processing methods for existing ingredients, click Add data row.

  2. Energy consumption will be calculated automatically, but you can adjust it if needed.

  3. Then specify the waste disposal method.

  4. Finally, click Calculate Emissions for the result.

Stage 3: Distribution and retail


  1. Enter your product’s destination using the format: City, Country.

  2. Choose the transportation mode.

  3. The platform automatically calculates the distance from the manufacturing location to the destination, but feel free to adjust it if needed.


First, pick a calculation method and provide the following information:

Calculation method


• Storage location
• Warehousing cost (in USD)
• Number of products stored
• Days in storage


• Storage location
• Electricity use (in kwh)
• Number of products stored
• Days in storage
• Warehouse usage (in percentage)

Then click Calculate Emissions to get your result for this stage.

Stage 4: Use phase

This stage focuses on how consumers typically shop for, and use your products.

Shopping transportation

  1. Choose your consumer’s typical mode of transport, and enter the average weight of their shopping trip.

  2. The platform automatically calculate the distance, but you can adjust it if needed.

Product storage

  1. Choose a storage method and enter the average number of days the product is stored by your consumer.

  2. Energy consumption will be calculated automatically.

Product use

  1. Specify how the product is used and the energy source involved in the process.

  2. Energy consumption will be calculated automatically.

Click Calculate emissions to get your result for this stage.

Stage 5: End-of-life

This final stage covers the disposal of your product by your consumer.

  1. Choose the waste type and disposal method for your product and its packaging. Currently, the platform only supports organic waste disposal, with more options coming soon.

  2. Enter the estimated wastage percentage.

  3. For any changes or additions to packaging options, do so in Stage 1: Raw material production and distribution.

Get the result for this stage by clicking Calculate emissions.

Viewing your PCF results

Once you have entered all the data for your products, head over to the ‘Overview’ tab to view your results!

Here, view emissions across all life cycle stages within your specified boundaries— in this case, all five life cycle stages for ‘Cradle to Grave’. The length of a life cycle stage’s bar is relative to the others — in this case, ‘Use phase’ emissions are the majority of our product’s emissions.

You may also edit product details or delete this product permanently.

Changing emission factors (EFs)

If the suggested match doesn't accurately represent your input, you can explore other emission factors.

  1. Click on the suggested emission factor. A panel will open on the right, showing you the top 5 suggestions for this ingredient.

  2. Choose your preferred option, scroll down, and click Confirm. If you want to stick with the original suggestion, click Cancel to go back to the ingredient input page.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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